Dedicated Virtual Receptionist

Calls Answered & Appointments Set

Save Time. Reduce Overhead. Maximize Efficiency.

24/7/365 - Call Coverage

Our US based team is ready to handle your customer calls, freeing up your time to focus on what really matters - growing your business. Get the luxury of a dedicated support team without the hefty price tag.

Our Services

What you can expect

Live Call Answering, Text & Chat Support

The target “Time-to-Answer” for our trained US based agents is under 5 seconds, ensuring none of your incoming calls, chats or messages go unanswered.

Customer Intake & Follow-up

We streamline your lead qualification process based on your requirements, covering all channels like calls, forms, and chats. By centralizing your inbound lead management with us, we promptly qualify and can also live-transfer high-potential contacts to you. We even handle follow-up calls for you.

Appointment Scheduling

Seamless scheduling made possible by integrating with your existing calendars. Our agents manage appointments for you, ensuring your calendar is always up to date.

Real Time Notifications

Stay connected instantly with text, email and in-app messages from our representatives. You’re immediately notified of all activity.

All Plans Include:

- Live call answering

- Live text, chat, Facebook messaging

- Intake & qualification

- Follow up

- Customized scripting

- Calendar & CRM system access & integration

- Appointment scheduling

- Appointment confirmations

- All US based agents

- Under 5 second response time goal

- No long-term contracts

- Overage is billed in arrears


200 Minutes

$360 per month

$1.90 per additional minute


360 Minutes

$450 per month

$1.65 per additional minute


500 Minutes

$580 per month

$1.60 per additional minute

Frequently Asked Questions

Answers To Commonly Questions

What is a Virtual Receptionist?

A Virtual Receptionist is a professional who manages phone calls, schedules appointments, and performs various administrative tasks remotely. They serve as the first point of contact for your clients, ensuring efficient and professional handling of your business communications.

How does a Virtual Receptionist differ from a traditional receptionist?

Unlike traditional receptionists who work from your office, Virtual Receptionists work remotely. This setup provides greater flexibility, reduces costs, and offers extended hours of operation compared to a traditional in-house receptionist.

What services do Virtual Receptionists provide?

Our Virtual Receptionists can handle a wide range of tasks, including answering calls, message taking, appointment scheduling, email management, customer support, and basic administrative duties.

Can a Virtual Receptionist work with my existing business systems?

Yes, our Virtual Receptionists are trained to integrate seamlessly with your current business systems for scheduling, CRM, and other administrative tasks.

How does billing work?

We offer various billing plans based on the volume of calls and the level of service required. You can choose from a per-call or a monthly plan, depending on your business needs.

Is my business too small to benefit from a Virtual Receptionist?

Not at all! Businesses of all sizes can benefit from a Virtual Receptionist. Small businesses, in particular, find great value in our services as it allows them to present a professional image while focusing on core business activities.

How do you ensure the privacy and confidentiality of my business information?

Our Virtual Receptionists adhere to strict confidentiality agreements and privacy policies. We use secure systems to manage your data and ensure that all information remains private and protected.

Can I customize the services provided by the Virtual Receptionist?

Absolutely! We tailor our services to meet your specific business needs. You can customize how calls are answered, which calls are prioritized, and how messages are delivered to you.

How do I get started?

Getting started is easy! Contact us for a consultation, and we will discuss your needs, set up a plan that suits your business, and assign a Virtual Receptionist to get started right away.

Contact Us

(800) 706-5190

100 North 18th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103